What’s the story behind “Rebuild Your Net Worth?”
Let’s go back to September 15, 2008. That was the day Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy; the largest bankruptcy filing in US history. The “Great Recession” had begun.
The economic effects of the ’08 recession were extremely difficult on many families. Good, hard-working people whose 401Ks became 101Ks; whose incomes and jobs were downsized if not lost through no fault of their own; people who struggled to pay their bills, repay their college loans, keep a roof over their head and find a way to provide for themselves and their children. People who had to tap into, if not completely deplete their savings, just to find a way to survive.
Fast forward to today. The Federal Government says the nation’s economy has rebounded. Sure, the Stock Market is at record highs – well above 20,000. Job creation is back on the upswing and unemployment numbers are down. But, the most important question is, has YOUR personal economy rebounded? Are you back to where you were BEFORE the Great Recession started?
I know about the financial difficulties so many people went through because much of this happened to me.
But, after much research, hard work and dedication, I discovered a path that has helped me to rebuild my net worth; not only to what it was before the recession but improve upon it.
I will be your mentor and teach you to how to rebuild your net worth without playing any games or using any gimmicks. I’ll teach you the 4 necessary steps that, when combined, will accelerate the process and help you get there much sooner than later. Rebuilding your net worth will empower you to overcome the single biggest fear of most working people; not having enough money to retire or running out of money after they’ve retired.
I look forward to hearing from you,